Can I enable 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) on my client area?

Most certainly! We also strongly recommend adding 2FA on to your account to further secure your services. Please follow the below guide:

1) Login to the client area -

2) Navigate to

3) Click the button "Click here to enable"



4) Next part is done on your mobile device. You will need to go to your phone's app store and download "Google Authentication".


5) Once you have the application on your phone, open it and tap the "+" in the top right and select "Scan barcode"



6) Select "Scan barcode"


7) Back on the Quantum Core website, click "Get Started"


8) Use your phone camera to scan the barcode 


9) On your google authentication app on your phone, you will now see "QuantumCore___" with a 6 digit code. Enter this 6 digit code in the box (1) and click "Submit" (2).


You have now successfully setup 2FA on your Quantum Core client area. Make sure to make note of the backup code's.


*Note: To disable 2fa, you can go back to your Security Settings and click "Click here to disable"


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